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Richard Wade-Martins

Professor of Molecular Neuroscience

Professor Richard Wade-Martins is Associate Professor at the University of Oxford, a molecular neuroscientist and the founding Director of the Oxford Parkinson's Disease Centre (OPDC). His research is focused on better understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. His work uses multidisciplinary approaches combining studies on human post-mortem brain tissue, novel transgenic and knockout mouse models, and improved induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived neuronal culture models to study the functional genetic mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disease. Richard leads WP8 "Neurodegeneration and neurodysfunctional diseases" in StemBANCC, a €50M EU IMI Consortium to use stem cells for drug discovery; leads on Parkinson's disease in the new £10M Alzheimer's Research UK Drug Discovery Institute; and heads the UK Dementia Platform Stem Cell Network, an £8M program to exploit iPSC technology for dementia research.